
Dell Technologies is a leading technology company focused on digital transformation and innovation. They came to us to help them improve the MyDell app, a desktop app that comes baked in to every new Dell laptop.

These improvements included rethinking the information architecture, refining the content strategy, and creating visual design concepts Dell could take into testing.

Duration      June - August 2023
Role             Lead Designer


Content Strategy

Dell’s vision for the MyDell app is for it to be an all-encompassing solution for the user’s needs at every step of their lifecycle with their new device. We wanted the app to be dynamic, but we needed to first establish what was technically feasible, and what type of content would bring the most value to the user.

For this first step, I led an ideation workshop with the project stakeholders followed by a voting session for everyone’s favorite ideas. Afterwards, I sorted the top voted ideas into emerging categories I saw, had the stakeholders validate the sorting, and then worked with them to prioritize the content for the MVP.



The next step involved setting requirements for the content and layout, especially keeping in mind the client’s ask for an emphasis on dynamic content. Next, I created several variations of the navigation and layout before we landed on one wireframe to move forward with for visual design.


Visual Design & Design Concepts

Initially, we were asked to create 1-2 visual design concepts that Dell could then take into testing to aid them in deciding on a visual direction to move forward in. For this part of the process, we wanted to focus on how we could include some of the new brand elements into the UI. This began with creating two distinctly different moodboards, collecting stakeholder feedback, and then applying design to the wireframes.

Eventually, the ask evolved into us creating 6+ divergent design concepts, each with varying layouts and visual design within a 2 week timeframe.

Concept 4
Concept 5-min

I’m a designer with a focus on interaction design and UX based out of Austin, Texas. I’ve worked with clients ranging from small startups to global companies and on products including mobile apps, marketing websites, and software.

© 2024 TERRI LEE